“I ordered nerve renew and before I finished one month’s supply my feet and legs started feeling much better!” -Guy C.


Trusted By 389,000+ People Worldwide

“I ordered nerve renew and before I finished one month’s supply my feet and legs started feeling much better!” -Guy C.


Trusted By 389,000+ People Worldwide

1 Year Guarantee


Physician Approved

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the 1 year money back guarantee work?

If you’re not satisfied for any reason at all – we give you an entire year to get a full refund on your most recent order. Simply contact our customer support team for a prompt refund – no questions asked.

When can I expect Results?

Many customers have noticed dramatic differences in nerve health in the first one to three weeks. However, results continue to improve over the next three to six months. Through customer follow-up surveys, we’ve found that 4 out of 5 customers get the best results after 4-6 months.

Is it safe with my current medication?

If you are concerned about Nerve Renew interacting with your medication, please consult with your doctor. Show them the list of ingredients and ask how it fits into your current treatment.
There have been numerous clinical trials using these ingredients and no reports of adverse side effects. In fact, in several clinical studies, far higher doses of these vitamins were used with no reported interactions or unwanted side effects.

Choose Your Deal:

Starter Bottle


Just pay S&H

3 Bottles


Per Bottle

1 Bottle


Per Bottle

Better Business Bureau

What is Nerve Discomfort?

Your nerves are nothing more than electrical lines that connect your brain to every part of your body.

They function by sending electrical impulses across your nervous system, which is regulated by a few specific nutrients.

These nutrients help your nervous system open and close thousands of tiny electrical circuits in a fraction of a second. It’s a “greased slide” which helps make communication between nerves crystal clear.

When this “slide” isn’t properly greased and nerves can’t communicate properly, you may experience…

Aches or discomfort

Weakness of loss of sensation

Increased sensitivity to touch

Or loss of balance and mobility

When your body is lacking these exact nutrients, that “slide” begins to rust, making it hard for nerves to communicate with each other.

Imagine a life where you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to embrace each day with vitality.

Picture the freedom of moving without the discomfort that has held you back for far too long. Nerve Renew can make this your reality.

For too long, you’ve endured nerve discomfort or sensitivity that have become an unwelcome part of your daily life. Nerve Renew offers a ray of hope, providing you with genuine relief from these persistent struggles. It's time to regain control of your comfort, to free yourself from the relentless grasp of nerve discomfort.

Remember those days when walking, exercising, or simply enjoying a leisurely stroll was effortless? Nerve Renew has the ability to restore your mobility, allowing you to move freely without the limitations that discomfort has imposed upon you. Those sleepless nights and restless hours spent tossing and turning will become a distant memory. We know you are looking for a supplement that will give you peaceful, uninterrupted sleep, leaving you rejuvenated and ready to face each morning with renewed energy.

Imagine embracing life's simple pleasures without the constant worry about nerve discomfort.

Nerve Renew empowers you to do just that—whether it's playing with your grandkids, pursuing your passions, or relishing a pain-free day. It goes beyond relieving physical discomfort; it revitalizes your confidence, helping you regain the assurance to tackle life head-on. The transformation you desire is within reach, and it all starts with Nerve Renew. Don't wait any longer to experience these life-changing benefits—order now and reclaim the life you deserve.

Nerve Renew Takes a 3 Prong Approach to Long Term Health

STEP ONE: Break the cycle

Nerve Renew initiates its transformative action by penetrating the core issue: inadequate nerve nutrition. By delivering a potent blend of essential nutrients - including the most effective forms of B vitamins, alpha-lipoic acid, and herbal extracts - it targets the root cause of nerve discomfort.

This step marks the crucial beginning, interrupting the cycle of discomfort by nourishing nerves and supporting their optimal function.

STEP TWO: Enhance Nerve Communication

Following the replenishment of vital nutrients, Nerve Renew enters the second phase of its restorative process: enhancing nerve communication. The nutrients in Nerve Renew act as the building blocks crucial for nerve health, working harmoniously to revitalize and fortify nerve fibers.

Our meticulously crafted blend of proven ingredients to get to work quickly to rebuild nerve insulation, grow healthy nerve tissue & increase nerve fiber density - restoring seamless nerve communication.

This step empowers nerves to transmit messages accurately and efficiently, vital for a balanced nervous system.

STEP THREE: Support Nerve Resilience and Longevity

In this final stage, Nerve Renew goes beyond restoration, focusing on fortification and long-term nerve health. By fostering nerve resilience, our formula provides ongoing support, safeguarding against future damage or discomfort.

From its potent antioxidants that shield nerves from oxidative stress to its powerhouse B vitamins that build & maintain myelin (nerve insulation) - Nerve Renew aids in the protection of nerves against external threats.

This ensures not only immediate relief but also sustained nerve vitality, promoting long-lasting wellness and functionality.

Hi, my name is Dr. Don Kennedy, and I’ve been transforming the health of my clients for 40+ years...

I guess you could say excitement is part of my DNA, since my dad was a professional bull rider.

It’s probably why I started surfing, and still surf today at 68 years young.

But it’s the day I knew I would become a doctor I cherish most.

While serving in the Air Force, I often found myself walking around the Key West Naval Hospital speaking with doctors and nurses to learn more about medicine.

It was something that always fascinated me. The science. The people. The satisfaction of giving someone their life back. It all amazed me.

After the Air Force, I followed my dream and went straight into medical school. For the past 40 years I’ve specialized in geriatric medicine and urgent care, doing everything from…

  • • Saving heart attack victims...
  • • Helping give hope back to those with knee discomfort…
  • • Stitching up little kids after a bike wrecks...
  • • Doing hip replacements…
  • • Helping diabetics with chronic nerve discomfort…
  • • And even delivering a few babies!
  • To me, practicing medicine is about the people.
  • It’s why I joined the National Health Service corp.
  • It’s why I decided to specialize in geriatric medicine.

After seeing my father, a once young, strong, and adventurous man, clearly losing the fight with each passing year, I decided to make it my life’s work to help others in his situation.

What’s made my approach unique is not boxing myself into the typical “prescribe the symptom with a drug” like most doctors.

Instead, I start with discovering what’s actually causing the problem to begin with.

Fawcett Memorial Hospital Humanitarian Award, reserved for doctors who go above and beyond to save lives...

Diplomat at the American College of Family Medicine...

Charlotte County “Physician of the Year” award…

Author of Amazon #1 best-seller – 5 AM & Already Behind, available in three languages.

After the Air Force, I followed my dream and went straight into medical school. For the past 40 years I’ve specialized in geriatric medicine and urgent care, doing everything from…

  • • Saving heart attack victims...
  • • Helping give hope back to those with knee discomfort…
  • • Stitching up little kids after a bike wrecks...
  • • Doing hip replacements…
  • • Helping diabetics with chronic nerve discomfort…
  • • And even delivering a few babies!
  • To me, practicing medicine is about the people.
  • It’s why I joined the National Health Service corp.
  • It’s why I decided to specialize in geriatric medicine.

After seeing my father, a once young, strong, and adventurous man, clearly losing the fight with each passing year, I decided to make it my life’s work to help others in his situation.

What’s made my approach unique is not boxing myself into the typical “prescribe the symptom with a drug” like most doctors.

Instead, I start with discovering what’s actually causing the problem to begin with.

The fact is...

Modern day medical practice relies on tricking your brain into ignoring the nerve signals. It masks the discomfort, just like a bandaid masks a wound but doesn’t fix it.

Regenerative medicine, which I specialize in, focuses on providing those same “quick” solutions so you can get on with your daily life, while fixing the actual structural imbalance to support healthy nerve function.

I’ve discovered a breakthrough for those suffering with nerve health that’s already changed the lives of over 389,000+ people.

Nerve Renew Is The Most Effective Nerve Supplement On The Market Today...

Frankly, what we’ve created with Nerve Renew is no secret, it’s just science.

It takes hard work to do the right thing and not cut corners. Sometimes that decision eats into profits.

But at the end of the day, our #1 goal is to help your poor nerve health.

That’s why we’ve been around while our competitors have faded away.

Here's What Makes This Unique Nerve Health Formulation So Different...

With NerveRenew, we combined only the best, most bio-adaptive ingredients. We only wanted nutrients that actually support nerve health. No fillers!

We only use the right form of each ingredient. In fact, our “supercharged” form of vitamin B1 (as benfotiamine) is the only compound that helps you produce FIVE times more of a special nutrient called Thiamine.1

Your body REQUIRES Thiamine but only a tiny percentage gets absorbed in your gut.

That’s why we’ve included the more absorbent B1 as benfotiamine in our formulation.

But I’ve only scratched the surface when it comes to all the ways this can help support your nerve health..

Here’s How To Order By Phone:

Call 888-840-7142 (Mon-Fri 8am-4pm MST, Sat 8am-1pm MST)

Nerve Renew Stands Out From Other Supplements Due To Its Unique And Superior Blend Of Ingredients

(Vitamin B12)

Methylcobalamin (Vitamin B12) plays a crucial role in nerve health and function, supporting the formation and maintenance of the protective myelin sheath around nerves.

(Vitamin B1)

Benfotiamine (Vitamin B1) helps to nourish and protect the nerves, supporting their overall health and reducing discomfort.

R-Alpha Lipoic Acid

R-Alpha Lipoic Acid is a powerful antioxidant that supports healthy blood flow to the nerves and has been shown to reduce discomfort and improve nerve function.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine, plays a vital role in nerve health by supporting the production of neurotransmitters and promoting optimal nerve function.


Skullcap is a natural botanical ingredient known for its calming properties, which can help reduce nerve discomfort and promote relaxation.

Oat Straw

Oat Straw is a natural herb that has been traditionally used to support nerve health and reduce discomfort, providing a soothing effect on the nervous system.

Passion Flower

Passion Flower is a natural botanical ingredient with calming properties that can help alleviate nerve discomfort and promote a sense of relaxation and well-being.


Feverfew is a natural herb that has been used for centuries to support nerve health and relieve discomfort, making it a valuable ingredient for promoting overall nerve well-being.

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, is essential for maintaining nerve health and function, as it supports the production of energy and plays a role in the overall health of the nervous system.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for overall health, including nerve health, and plays a role in supporting nerve function and reducing discomfort

(Vitamin B12)

Methylcobalamin (Vitamin B12) plays a crucial role in nerve health and function, supporting the formation and maintenance of the protective myelin sheath around nerves.

(Vitamin B1)

Benfotiamine (Vitamin B1) helps to nourish and protect the nerves, supporting their overall health and reducing discomfort.

R-Alpha Lipoic Acid

R-Alpha Lipoic Acid is a powerful antioxidant that supports healthy blood flow to the nerves and has been shown to reduce discomfort and improve nerve function.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine, plays a vital role in nerve health by supporting the production of neurotransmitters and promoting optimal nerve function.


Skullcap is a natural botanical ingredient known for its calming properties, which can help reduce nerve discomfort and promote relaxation..

Oat Straw

Oat Straw is a natural herb that has been traditionally used to support nerve health and reduce discomfort, providing a soothing effect on the nervous system.

Passion Flower

Passion Flower is a natural botanical ingredient with calming properties that can help alleviate nerve discomfort and promote a sense of relaxation and well-being..


Feverfew is a natural herb that has been used for centuries to support nerve health and relieve discomfort, making it a valuable ingredient for promoting overall nerve well-being..

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, is essential for maintaining nerve health and function, as it supports the production of energy and plays a role in the overall health of the nervous system.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for overall health, including nerve health, and plays a role in supporting nerve function and reducing discomfort

The “Perfect” B-Vitamin Combination…

Will all the vitamins I just mentioned help improve nerve health if you take them individually?


But the magic happens when all these nutrients work synergistically.

• The American Journal of Pharmacological Sciences says, “combining (B1, B6, and B12) produces a synergistic effect that, apart from participating in vital body functions, can help treat other health issues such as discomfort.”12

  • • One study from the European Journal of Pain, showed that B vitamins can support optimal nerve function”13
  • • In a collaboration study, 234 doctors treated a combined 1,149 patients using B-vitamin combination. This time 69% of the test subjects showed signs of improvement in THREE WEEKS!
  • For many people, that could be the difference between feeling 10 years older... or 10 years younger... than you are right now.

Nerve Renew Has Transformed The Lives Of People All Across The World.

Over 389,000 Satisfied Customers...

Verified Purchase

“I am beginning to enjoy my active life again

I had practically given up on being able to wear shoes and do the hiking and bicycling I had previously enjoyed so much.
Thanks to Nerve Renew, I am beginning to enjoy my active life again. I am especially looking forward to cross country skiing this winter!”

- Jan Knorr - Cranberry, Pennsylvania

Verified Purchase

“...aching and discomfort is about 95% gone.

I've tried many different options and was leery when I read about Nerve Renew, but I decided to give it a try. This was the best decision of my life. If about 4 months the aching and burning is about 95% gone. This has made my life better and saved me loads of money. Thanks again.”

- Bill Morgan, Brevard, NC

Verified Purchase

“… I couldn’t hold a cup of coffee. They recommended surgery

Nerve Renew really works. I am a living testament to the Awesomeness of the product. Two years ago, I was experiencing nerve problems in my left hand. I could not close my hand.

Nerve Renew really works. I am a living testament to the Awesomeness of the product. Two years ago, I was experiencing nerve problems in my left hand. I could not close my hand.

I could not close my hand. I could not hold a coffee cup. Writing became difficult also. I used to be able to use right and left hands equally. It was terrible and I spent many nights sitting up with my hand in a bowl of ice. A friend recommended Nerve Renew. I take 2 in the morning and 2 at night. My left hand is about 92% back to normal. I stopped taking it and I later developed discomfort in the right hand. A hand specialist recommended surgery.
I said no surgery. I tried Acupuncture, Cupping, a Chiropractor, and bowls of ice. My husband said why don't you order some more Nerve Renew. I did and I am truly able to use my right hand and the nerves feel almost normal near the wrist. Nerve Renew works! Yes, I would definitely and I have recommended Nerve Renew. It is also an easy process to order online. And I always receive my capsules in speedy time.”

- Holy M., CA, United States

Verified Purchase

“I had been taking B vitamins and Alpha Lipoic Acid for several years, but they did not give me the same result

When my trial shipment arrived, I took a Nerve Renew capsule and in just a few minutes, I noticed that the sharp stabbing in my feet started to diminish. I had been disabled by nerve discomfort for several weeks and was not able to walk or function. By the next day, I started to walk again and I was able to function fairly normally. I had been taking B vitamins and Alpha Lipoic Acid for several years, but they did not give me the same results as Nerve Renew. Thank you for making Nerve Renew available.”

- PdxMark (OR, United States)

*Results Vary.

Not everyone will see results using Nerve Renew. All of our testimonials are from real customers who saw real results but your results can vary greatly depending on many factors.

You Can Support Nerve Health And Reduce Discomfort, For As Little As $0.81 Per Capsule!

Most customers experience noticeable results in the first few weeks.

Results generally get better the longer you take it, which is why we recommend you give it 3-4 months to see the full effects.

If you only try one bottle, and try to reorder, you’ll likely “lapse” which will put you right back where you started!

It’s your choice, but I highly recommend you grab a 90-day supply of NerveRenew below. You’ll save an instant 28.98% and get even better results.


Most Popular

FREE Starter Bottle (2-week supply). After 2 weeks, we'll send you a new 30-day supply every month for only $49!

Cancel anytime.


(Just Pay S&H)


Great Deal

Save $60 OFF the reg price when you order 3 bottles today! Only $147 (reg $207). One time order, no automatic shipments.

$69 $49

Per Bottle


Good Value

Rush me a 1 Month Supply of Nerve Renew. No automatic shipments.


Per Bottle

Here's How To Order By Phone:

Here's How To Order By Phone:

Select your order option above that best fits you, and dial the number below to speak live with one of our nerve care specialists.

Call 888-840-7142 to order by phone

(Mon-Fri 8am-4pm MST, Sat 8am-1pm MST)

If You Don’t FEEL The Results… We Don’t Want Your Money!


With our one year guarantee, you have a FULL YEAR to see if it’s the right solution for you. If not, we’ll give you a prompt refund on your most recent order (minus s&h). So you can order confidently knowing this will either work for you or you get your money back.

Simply email us at support@nerverenew.com or give us a call at (888) 841-7142 for a prompt refund.

If You Don’t FEEL The Results… We Don’t Want Your Money!


With our one year guarantee, you have a FULL YEAR to see if it’s the right solution for you. If not, we’ll give you a prompt refund on your most recent order (minus s&h). So you can order confidently knowing this will either work for you or you get your money back.

Simply email us at support@nerverenew.com or give us a call at (888) 841-7142 for a prompt refund.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many bottles should I order?

The answer is different for everyone. This unique formulation contains nutrients known to support healthy nerve function. But nerves take time to grow. So we recommend starting with at least three bottles or enrolling in our “Preferred Customer Program” to receive a discounted bottle each month.

This gives you more time for the “compound effect” of all the nutrients to kick in. Remember, these all work together synergistically and the longer you take them the better they work.

What's unique about Nerve Renew?

Our formula consists of 3 unique parts…

    • • The right amount (and kind) of B-Vitamins…
    • • The super antioxidant “R-Alpha Lipoic Acid”...
    • • Our custom blend of herbs.

      But more than that - we use only the most absorbant and optimal forms of our key ingredients. Many supplements cut corners by using cheaper forms and/or lower doses of the most important ingredients. The problem with that is these cheaper forms aren't as easily absorbed by the body, which means not enough of them make it to the nerves to be able to make a difference.

      When it comes to the ingredients in Nerve Renew, we refuse to sacrifice on quality. Which is why we use the most optimal forms of Alpha Lipoic Acid (Stabilized R-ALA), Vitamin B12 (as methylcobalamin), and Vitamin B1 (as benfotiamine) in high doses - to give your nerves their best chance to improve.


How long before I see results?

Many customers have noticed results in the first two to three weeks. However, results continue to improve over the next three to six months. Through customer follow-up surveys, we’ve found that 4 out of 5 customers notice the best results after about 4 months.

Some of our customers notice results within the first 2-4 weeks. However, results continue over the next three to six months. For most people, it takes 3-4 months to see the best results.

If you are trying our 2-week trial, you should not expect drastic results after just 2 weeks. While some customers do experience results within the first 2 weeks, the primary purpose of our 2-week trial bottle is to give you the opportunity to do a "test drive" with Nerve Renew to make sure it's well tolerated and is a good fit for you.

To really get the most out of Nerve Renew, we recommend daily use for at least 4-6 months. This gives your nerves the time they need to fully benefit from the ingredients and begin to feel the effects of restoring healthy nerves.

Is it safe with my current medication?

If you are concerned about Nerve Renew interacting with your medication, please consult with your doctor. Show them the list of ingredients and ask how it fits into your current treatment.There have been numerous clinical trials using these ingredients and no reports of adverse side effects. In fact, in several clinical studies, far higher doses of these vitamins were used with no reported interactions or unwanted side effects.

Do you offer a guarantee?

If you’re not satisfied for any reason at all – we give you an entire year to get a full refund on your most recent order. Simply contact our customer support team for a prompt refund – no questions asked.

How fast will my order ship?

Orders placed on weekdays before 11am MST will typically ship out that same day. Most orders will arrive at your doorstep in 2-4 days after being shipped (US orders). For international orders, your package should arrive in approximately 2-4 weeks, depending on the country.


Most Popular

FREE Starter Bottle (2-week supply). After 2 weeks, we'll send you a new 30-day supply every month for only $49!

Cancel anytime.


(Just Pay S&H)


Great Deal

Save $60 OFF the reg price when you order 3 bottles today! Only $147 (reg $207). One time order, no automatic shipments.

$69 $49

Per Bottle


Good Value

Rush me a 1 Month Supply of Nerve Renew. No automatic shipments.


Per Bottle

Contact Info

Mailing Address
PO Box 1882 Eagle, ID 83616

888-840-7142 (Mon-Fri 8am-4pm MST, Sat 8am-1pm MST)



About Us

Our mission as a company is to not only impress you with how well our products work, but to wow you with our customer service and leave a lasting impression. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you have about our product or service.

Our offices are located in beautiful Boise, Idaho and our support team is second to none.

We’re happy to answer your questions and help you any way we can. Our pledge to you is that we will read every comment and answer every question in a courteous and timely manner.


The statements made on our websites have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). Our products are not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. Nerve Renew is not affiliated with any of the studies mentioned on the website. The testimonials on this website are individual cases and do not guarantee that you will get the same results.