The Simple Solution To Support Healthy Nerve Function

Did you know there are 90,000 miles of nerves stretching through your body?

These nerves act as "telephone wires", transmitting signals to and from the brain. And like any complex communications system, they need regular care and maintenance to function properly.

Nerve Renew helps to nourish nerves and support proper nerve function with our science-backed combination of vitamins, antioxidants, and herbs. *

There is an effective way to take control of your nerve health

In recent years researchers have painstakingly studied the peripheral nervous system.

And they’ve discovered that peripheral nerves can regenerate at a rate of up to 1 inch in just 30-days, and that peripheral nerves are key structures that support the overall function and health of your nervous system.

And when your nerves are given a chance to function optimally, your overall well-being increases dramatically.

But the circumstances have to be just right...

And Creating Those Ideal Circumstances is Easier Than You Might Think

Like any living organism, there are key vitamins and nutrients your nerves need to stay healthy.

Leading researchers have identified the top vitamins for nerve health.

And many of them are available over the counter or online - but there’s a problem. There are different types and forms of nearly every vitamin - and when it comes to your nerves, some are better than others.

Take Vitamin B12, for example. This powerful vitamin maintains and repairs the protective coating around your nerves and triggers normal nerve regeneration.*

The two most common types of B12 are cyanocobalamin and methylcobalamin (methyl B12). Cyanocobalamin is cheaper to produce - but does not absorb well and offers little benefit to your nerves. Methyl-B12 is the natural form - and while more expensive to harvest, it absorbs better and is used more effectively than its synthetic counterpart.

And that’s just one vitamin. The list goes on and on.

This Is What Gives Nerve Renew® An Edge Over Other Nerve Supplements...

Most vitamin & supplement manufacturers know their customers don’t understand the difference between different forms of vitamins - so they go with the cheapest option. Unfortunately, the cheaper options are often less effective at supporting nerve health.

Instead of packing Nerve Renew® with cheap ingredients that offer little to no benefit, we've identified the most effective and highly absorbable vitamins, antioxidants, and herbs to support nerve health and put them into Nerve Renew®.

These are the same quality ingredients that clinical studies have found to effectively nourish nerves, support healthy nerve communication, build nerve insulation, and promote healthy blood flow (to carry the nutrients to the nerves).*

R-Alpha Lipoic Acid | 300mg

+Improves Blood Flow to Nerves

Alpha Lipoic Acid is a potent antioxidant that has been shown to increase blood vessel dilation by up to 44%, improving blood flow to the nerves.1

Not only that, but it has a profound effect on nerve function & discomfort. One study found it reduced discomfort by an average of 52% in just 5 weeks.2 Another found it led to reduced discomfort & improved quality of life after 40 days.3

Our formula uses Stabilized R-ALA, the naturally-occuring form of Alpha Lipoic Acid. Studies suggest that it is more easily absorbed & utilized by the body than S-ALA, the synthetic form used in most supplements.4 R-ALA also has a stronger antioxidant effect than S-ALA.5

Methylcobalamin (Vitamin B12) | 4mg

+Improves Blood Flow to Nerves

B12 helps to regenerate the myelin sheath that surrounds and protects nerve fibers, which can help to improve nerve function and reduce discomfort.6 It also produces red blood cells, which carry oxygen to nerve cells to nourish them.

Our formula contains Methylcobalamin, the active form of B12 that is more easily absorbed and utilized by the body than cyanocobalamin (the synthetic form of B12 used in most supplements).

Additionally, Methylcobalamin is better able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier, which is important for maintaining the health of the nervous system.

Benfotiamine (Vitamin B1) | 600mg

+Fuels & Protects Nerves

Vitamin B1 converts carbohydrates into ATP, the main energy source of nerve cells, to support healthy nerve function. It also enhances the production of neurotransmitters to improve the transmission of nerve signals.7

Additionally, B1 helps protect nerve cells from oxidative stress, which can lead to further breakdown of nerve tissue.8

While most supplements use thiamine, our formula uses a more potent form of B1 called benfotiamine. Its open ring structure allows it to absorb approximately 5x better than thiamine.9

*Results Vary. Not everyone will see results using Nerve Renew. All of our testimonials are from real customers but your results can vary greatly depending on many factors.

Plus 7 Additional Ingredients For an EXTRA Layer of Support

On their own, the 3 ingredients above would be stronger than 90% of nerve supplements on the market…

But we didn’t stop there. In addition to these, we poured through thousands of scientific & medical papers and discovered 7 additional vitamins & herbs to support nerves & reduce discomfort. And we added them to our formula.

So you get the MOST COMPLETE nerve support formula on the market - full of easily absorbed and highly effective ingredients (not the cheap knock-offs, inadequate doses, or ineffective fillers others use). Here’s everything we added IN ADDITION to the 3 powerhouse ingredients we’ve already discussed:

Vitamin B2


Vitamin B2 is involved in the production of energy within nerve cells, which is essential for maintaining optimal nerve function.

Vitamin B6


Vitamin B6 builds nerve fiber density & supports the production of neurotransmitters for faster, optimal nerve communication.

Vitamin D


Vitamin D is involved in processes that are important for nerve health, including the regulation of calcium and the production of nerve growth factors.

Plus our Proprietary Herbal Blend

Our potent herbs help to calm nerves, soothe skin, and support cognitive function*


Inhibits the production of prostaglandins and leukotrienes, which can cause swelling & contribute to impaired nerves.10

Passion Flower

May reduce swelling by inhibiting the production of cytokines and chemokines.

Oat Straw

An herb known for its calming and soothing effects on the nervous system.


Produces GABA to calm overactive nerves and reduce spasms/twitching, especially in your fingers and toes.11

Customer Success Stories

Words can't describe!

"I was wondering how I could communicate the miracle my wrecked body has felt – RELIEF – for the first time in a year in just a few weeks.

No words can describe the relief. I can now touch my lower legs without immense discomfort. Still some, but subsiding day by day. I now have a more positive outlook on my life and a new wife to be.

Thank you for this life-changing product!"

The difference is amazing!

"I started taking Nerve Renew to reduce the occasional but severe discomfort & loss of feeling in my feet and hands…and unsteadiness on my feet. The difference is amazing!

I have been taking it for 2 months now and I know that it’s working. I could not be without Nerve Renew and Nerve Renew Optimizer…they help me function as a normal human being."

Nerve Renew delivers like NO OTHER!

My nerve discomfort is gone and I’m feeling great. Nerve Renew truly delivers relief like NO OTHER!

The staff are very professional and genuinely interested in your improved health. Ordering is simple, the website is easy and shipping is accurate.

Thank you Nerve Renew team!"

Feeling normal again!

"It started about three years ago. My doctor sent me to see a specialist...we tried lots of different things but nothing worked.

Then I found Nerve Renew and ordered my first bottle. After a few days I started seeing some changes. Fast forward a few months and I am back on my feet now and can do anything I want to do thanks to Nerve Renew.

Thanks for bringing my life back to normal!"

Given me my sleep back!

Went to my doctor about the discomfort in my feet keeping me up at night, but no help was offered!

My feet were so bad that it deprived me of sleep. Not anymore! Nerve Renew has given me my sleep back!

I now only take one capsule a day and can’t tell you how much of a change it has made in my life. Can’t live without it!"

Nerve Renew® Stages of Success

Over the past decade, we've gathered valuable feedback from our loyal Nerve Renew® users. Through follow-up surveys and analysis, we've identified common patterns in their experiences with our product. Based on their feedback, here's what you can anticipate:

Week 1-2

Plus our Proprietary Herbal Blend

In the first stage of the Nerve Renew® program, the focus is on cleaning up damaged nerve parts and preventing further decline in nerve function. The vitamins and antioxidants in Nerve Renew® help to improve nerve blood flow, flushing out harmful toxins that hinder recovery and delivering essential oxygen and nutrients to the nerves. This sets the stage for the next step in improving your nerve health and function.

Week 3-6

Nourish Nerves & Myelin Sheath

During this stage, your nerves will benefit from the proprietary blend of high-quality B-vitamins, R-Alpha Lipoic Acid, and other essential vitamins and nutrients in Nerve Renew®. This blend works to nourish the nerve axons, improve nerve fiber density, and build up the myelin sheath to help restore normal nerve function.*

Week 7-15

Better Nerve Function & Reduced Discomfort

As you progress through the program, your nerve pathways and axons will begin to function properly again. During this stage, four out of five people who have consistently taken Nerve Renew® begin to experience a more noticeable reduction in discomfort and/or regain feeling in their hands or feet.

Week 16+

Maintain Healthy Nerves

By this point, we hope you’ve experienced meaningful improvements and that you're enjoying a happier, healthier life. Even after achieving the desired results, many of our customers continue taking Nerve Renew® daily (at a full or reduced dose) to maintain healthy nerves and prevent nerve discomfort from returning.

Get Peace of Mind With our Unmatched Guarantee

Have you been burned by one of those “fly by night” supplements that pop-up online, promise amazing results, then disappear after they’ve taken your money?

We’re not one of them. We’ve built a solid reputation over our 10 years in business, have an A+ rating with the BBB, and are NOT going to disappear on you.

We believe people should come before profits - which is why every product we sell is backed by our one-year guarantee. You have an entire year from the date of your purchase to get a prompt refund (minus shipping & handling) on your most recent order - no questions asked.

Simply contact our US-based customer support team for a prompt, courteous refund.