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To sign up, text JOIN to 57636 or enter your phone number in the form below:

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I opt-out of receiving text alerts?

Yes! If at any point you no longer wish to receive text messages from us, simply reply "STOP" to any of our messages to unsubscribe.

How often will you text me?

We will limit the number of texts we send you to no more than 3-4 texts per month...but it will usually be even less! We will only text you when we have a special member only discount or offer - which will be around 1-2 times per month.

I signed up, but I haven't received any texts from you...

After signing up, you should receive a confirmation text which will ask you to reply "YES" to confirm. You will not receive any texts from us until you have replied "YES" to confirm your subscription. We typically have 1-2 special offers for our text alert members each month. If a special offer is running at the time you sign up, you should receive a text message with the current offer once you confirm your subscription.

If not offers are currently running, you may not receive any text messages from us until we launch the next offer.

If you've confirmed your subscription but still don't receive our texts, please contact our support team at